How often have you snapped your key inside the lock because you were in a hurry? Are we guessing a couple of times?

And were you able to get it out in time? Unfortunately, this situation is pervasive, and you never know when you will need a reliable locksmith to get you out of it.

So, if you’re based in Glasgow and experience a similar situation like this one, you don’t have to sweat because our experts can help you out.

We are experienced and certified domestic and commercial locksmiths in Glasgow, so anytime you need help with a broken key or damaged lock, call us, and we will find a way to help you out as quickly as possible.

Our team of experts and specialised locksmiths are available round the clock, so you don’t have to worry about what time it is before calling us. Once we arrive, we will do the required assessment and repair any damage caused, and you can pay us after the job is complete.

Snapped Keys & How to Deal with It?

Snapping your keys inside the lock is no big deal. It can happen to us anytime, so you don’t have to blame yourself. However, there are a few reasons why you could end up breaking your key inside the lock.

Here are a few of them:

The quality of the key and the lock is poor

You try too hard to unlock the door in a hurry

The key was wearing out, and you might not have noticed

It doesn’t fit in the lock, and you try to insert the wrong key

The lock itself has worn out or rusted over time

So, you must thoroughly check the health of your lock and key. Frequently oil them to ensure they don’t rust or wear and tear. This way, you can ensure the lock and the key remain in optimal condition for a long time.

Other than that, book a visit with us anytime you feel your lock is troubling and isn’t functioning like it used to. We use premium quality locks and keys to ensure they last for the longest time.

In addition, we recommend changing and upgrading your security system whenever you move out or relocate.

It is essential to upgrade your security system to prevent break-ins while you keep burglars at bay. We also promise that you will never have to experience snapped keys or worn-out locks if you have us install them in your home.

We use industry-grade materials and products meant to last a lifetime for a fraction of the quote you will get from the market.

Things You Shouldn’t Do If You Break Your Keys

Lastly, if you ever end up in a situation where you snap your keys inside the locks, here are a few things you should never do,

  • Don’t try to get it out using magnets
  • Don’t use super glue or metal
  • Don’t use picks or screwdrivers

Some may have suggested you try these things, but if you do, you will damage your lock. So just call us, and we will fix it for you.

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